An independent organization advocating for free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University

Read this Overview of the threat to academic freedom now facing Cornell.

CFSA Cornell Campus Reports - See Library Resources Below

CFSA Campus Reports.  What has caused Academic Freedom and Free Expression to come under siege at Cornell?  To answer this question, CFSA is in contact with many supporters within the “on-campus” Cornell Community who provide information relating to Administration policies and practices which seriously impair Open Inquiry, Academic Freedom, Viewpoint Diversity, and Free Expression at Cornell.  Most alumni, faculty, and students are not aware of the many Administration practices impeding Open Inquiry which the university now faces. Drawing upon its campus contacts, CFSA plans to distribute  several “Campus Reports” over the coming year. These reports will inform the Cornell Community on how campus policies and practices might be changed to better promote a culture of Open Inquiry at Cornell.. Review the most recent CFSA Campus Reports along with previous Campus Reports by clicking-on the links below :

Complete List of CFSA Campus Reports :           

Cornell Campus Report No. 1 :  “Cornell Free Speech Alliance Expands Its Outreach To Cornell Community”

Cornell Campus Report No. 2 : "Cornell Admin Pursues The Impossible Dream :  Prioritizing Both Academic Freedom And DEI On Campus"

Cornell Campus Report No. 3 :  “A Profound DEI Problem Emerges At Cornell - Academic Freedom & Free Speech Eclipsed By DEI Practices"

Cornell Campus Report No. 4 : "The Rise Of Campus Antisemitism :  Conditions At Cornell & Other Universities"

Cornell Campus Report No. 5 : "Cornell's DEI Juggernaut Creates An Identity War Monster On Campus"

Cornell Campus Report No. 6 : "Antisemitism On Rampage At Cornell"

Cornell Campus Report No. 7 : "Pressure Grows To Replace Cornell Admin As University's Reputation Slides"

Cornell Campus Report No. 8 :  "CFSA Sees Progress : SAT Reinstated. NEXT UP :  Eliminate DEI Statements. 

Cornell Campus Report No. 9 : "Cornell Whistleblowers Reveal DEI Abuses In Faculty Hiring"

Cornell Campus Report No.10 : "Cornell Must Terminate Unlawful DEI Employment Practices"




Also, see the "CFSA Open Inquiry Video Short Course Series" HERE  and  the "UOIF Academic Freedom Webinar Series" HERE
