An independent organization advocating for free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University

Read this Overview of the threat to academic freedom now facing Cornell.

The Cornell Thinker : Library Of Articles

Please see below a library of OpEd articles of "The Cornell Thinker". These articles have been written by various Cornell alumni, faculty, and students and submitted to CFSA for publication. Some of these articles have been submitted by authors who have requested anonymity -- which CFSA has respected.

The Cornell Thinker :  The Center For Racial Justice & Equitable Outcomes -- A DEI Nightmare ?

The Cornell Thinker :  DEI Invades Community Colleges Too (Reprint of WSJ OpEd - (Feb 21, 2024)

The Cornell Thiner : Professor Says Cornell's "Year Of Freedom Of Expression" Has Nothing To Do With Freedom Or Expression  - (Mar 25, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : Ivy Schools Called To Make Policy Reforms. What Will Cornell Do ? - (Apr 23, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : CFSA Responds To Pres. Pollacks Handling Of Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations (May 3, 2024) 

The Cornell Thinker : University Of Chicago Responds To Pro-Hamas Encampments (May 13, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : Cornell Faculty & Students Speak Out Against DEI Juggernaut And Resulting Hate On Campus (May 19, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : Harvard & MIT End DEI Statements. Will Cornell Follow? (June 5, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : Martha Pollack Departs. Is 'Big Brother' Finally Being Driven From The Cornell Campus ? (June 30, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : The Demise Of The Pollack / Kotlikoff Administration : Lessons For Cornell Leadership & The Ivy League (Aug 2, 2024)

The Cornell Thinker : New Hope For Saving Cornell And Other Universities From Woke Radicalism (Aug 26, 2024)