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An independent alliance of alumni, faculty, students, & staff advocating for

free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University

According to a FIRE poll, 48 of these 55 students didn’t feel comfortable expressing their true opinions in the classroom. 

Read our policy proposals for achieving viewpoint diversity: 

“Cornell is working to ensure that its students won’t hear a variety of viewpoints by mandating that faculty applicants pass an ideologicallitmus test to get a job …(Cornell) is becoming a place where everyone is pressured to subscribe to the same ideas.”

American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA)

"Cornell's monoculture distorts research. 
The study of American poverty is directly impeded.

Only certain causes & solutions are 'acceptable' avenues of study -- others are not. Free academic inquiry is shut down."

Anonymous Professor, Cornell University

October 2021

Graduation Cap Icon


Many faculty and students feel pressured to self-censor their views on controversial topics, fearing professional or social backlash. Without free speech, there are no free people.

“Under strong pressure to conform to ideological norms, 88% of Cornell students report self-censorship in class and on campus.”

Connor Murnane
Foundation For Individual Rights In Education (FIRE)
Cornell Student Survey / 2021 College Free Speech Rankings

Faculty Donations by Party


Cornell's intellectual environment reflects a singular ideological perspective, limiting open debate. This "groupthink" stifles a healthy exchange of ideas, which is essential to academic freedom.

“Today, many Cornell faculty and students live in fear.

If they hold the wrong view, university leadership gives no support

and mob justice may be unleashed against them.”

Professor Richard A. Baer, Cornell University

October 2021


Academic Freedom is the cornerstone of higher education, allowing scholars to explore, debate, and challenge ideas without fear of retaliation. At Cornell, faculty and students report increasing restrictions on this freedom, with certain topics deemed off-limits, leading to a culture that discourages dissent and critical inquiry.

New York Post Article


University policy plays a crucial role in safeguarding free speech and academic inquiry; however, at Cornell, leadership fails to protect these values by promoting ideological conformity and neglecting to support those with minority viewpoints. This lack of institutional support exacerbates fears of punishment and contributes to a chilling effect on campus discourse. Additionally, hiring and admissions policies value activism over merit, resulting in an outsized importance on politics in every academic discipline. 

Day Hall Vandalized
Cornell Daily Sun Icon

99.5% Cornell Faculty, Academics’ Donations Given to Left-Leaning Groups



A University's primary mission should be academic excellence. 
Not political activism. 


Cornell Belltower

If you are a member of the Cornell Community who wishes to preserve freedom of speech and open academic and intellectual inquiry at Cornell University, we urge you to subscribe to the CFSA Quarterly Update today by clicking on the below link. This no-cost CFSA subscription will keep you informed of ongoing matters at Cornell relating to free speech, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom on campus. As requested, CFSA maintains strict confidentiality regarding subscriber names and contact information. Please subscribe today !

Graduation Caps


  • CFSA Reunion Weekend Meet Up!
    CFSA Reunion Weekend Meet Up!
    Sat, Jun 07
    Join other alumni who support advancing free speech on campus for a meetup on the Arts Quad. Bring your family!
  • CFSA Steering Committee Meeting
    CFSA Steering Committee Meeting
    Fri, Jan 17
    Zoom Meeting
    Join fellow alumni to hear updates on CFSA initiatives and to volunteer for ways you can support free speech at Cornell. RSVP for the Zoom link.


Stay up-to-date with the latest news + opinions from The Cornell Free Speech Alliance:

Are you affiliated with Cornell as one of the below?
Support CFSA with an optional donation here, or you can mail us a check to CFSA, P.O. Box 47624, San Antonio, TX 78265

The Cornell Free Speech Alliance is a proud member of the Alumni Free Speech Alliance 

Alumni Free Speech Alliance


The Cornell Free Speech Alliance (CFSA) is an independent, non-partisan organization of Cornell alumni and faculty dedicated to protecting free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University. CFSA works to address speech suppression on campus and supports individuals facing infringements on their rights, urging Cornell to adopt stronger free speech protections and political nonpartisanship. 

Bailey Hall Lecture
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